Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hygienically Important Practices- Part I

You can draft your dreaming food premises according to above manners (I mentioned earlier). But, there are tips or practices to maintain it for long time though out your goals. These are called "Hygienic Practices".  Now we can certify those requirements under food regulating and auditing public bodies.  They give certificates according to our level of goods or services. There is mechanism called  "Pre-Requisites Programmes" Such as, GMP, GAP, HACCP, …., etc.       
Each and every processes separation is must under food processing. Raw materials or Uncooked materials handling areas should be separated from the areas where final preparation is done and cooked foods are kept. Otherwise, storing of uncooked raw materials, wastes, and other inedible materials are kept in separately in stores in well manner by preventing cross contamination each other.
There should be planed some more facilities to important for improve product quality by remaining its long shelf life without any hazardous.
Living Quarters
Areas used for the handling of food should be completely separated from any part of the premises used as living quarters. No room in which food is stored, prepared or served may be used as a sleeping place or communicate directly with a sleeping place or sanitary convenience.
Staff Amenities
Staff members are satisfied  for the hygienic practices. Suitable, adequate, separate accommodations for changing and the storage of outdoor clothing should be provided. There should be separate individual lockable places for storing their properties. In here, you should be prepared separate sanitary place or cupboard to store their cleaned uniforms. As well as, proper facilities for meals also provided according to practical way with the canteen.
Rest rooms should be provided in systematically way and give priority to easy  handling with the production areas such as, unintentional  moments.
Other details mentioned in my next article… Hygienically Important Practices- Part II ………..Continue.

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