Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How To Build Your Dreaming Food Premises ….

We everyone have one or more targets or dreams to achieve during our life time. It is our future. So, I'm talking about one of dreams which is becoming a successful owner of the food premises. If you have to fulfill that kind of target, it is better to follow my ideas to gain more benefits from your path.
So, there are massive challenges to achieve while your dreams come through. You should be prepared a check list consisting of your dream's main steps. I can give you an example check list to guide you on correct path. You can follow me as your choice, considering my steps. 

  1. Designing of food premises & Land selection
  2. Food premises layout preparation from your drafts
  3. Construction Of Food Premises To Standard Requirements 
  4. Internal Structures & Fittings Of Food Premises 
  5. Mobile Or Temporary Premises  Of The Food Premises 
  6. Implementation Of Machines &Equipments In Food Premises 
  7. Facilities Of The Food Premises Supply Into Requirements 
  8. Maintenance and sanitation of the food premises 
  9. Management and Administration put into action 
  10. Supervisory bodies put into service 
  11. Launch your dream into practice 
I'm hoping to discuss above steps one by one with descriptions. Firstly, you can collect my details and  then you can prepare your own steps according to your dream. Food plant premises is the example dream of mine. You must familiar with your tasks before doing all the things.

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