Friday, August 29, 2014

I Am Again.....

Hi, after long time...I know, you will not happy much with that missed my informative articles  to boost up your experiences to do food businesses & go on your dreams, which  is be the owner of safe food manufacturing place.

So,......I will not try to be lazy to read this post. Actually, I have already participated to build a new food company to produce safe foods.

In here, my plan was giving practical experiences to my audience about   "How to build a safe food manufacturing place by preventing any hazards to the consumers step by step". However, if you are a new comer you can read those initially.  

I have already told you about many tips for construction of your dream place. After you have completed your place, there are many things to do before your installation process of food premises.
The one of those aims to select correct MACHINES & EQUIPMENTS to fabricate & install within the factory. You can be start any point of that aims. But, today I'm trying to start basic thing. It is an important factor to control our safe theme through  the food premises. That is why, I thought to start at that point before the heavy installation.
So, SAFE AIR is my intention point. Safe air will give more protection to the foods than you expected. That's why, I thought to give those tips to you. Most of  people said that, "Prevention is  better than curing". 

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