Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ventilation System To Control Noise Of The Food Premises

I said to you earlier, "How to control odour" by installing a ventilation systems within the food premises.

 Then, you knew requirements for new ventilation systems installed to manage with odours.Let's discuss about "How to control of noises" from catering premises. It aims to ensure that proposed developments have adequate ventilation systems that will not lead to complaints from neighboring homes about cooking noise from equipment such as fans, motors,..etc.

The neighboring has powers to take action against restaurants, takeaways and other food and drink premises if they cause a nuisance. However, it is much better for the relevant details to be included into planning applications to ensure that such problems are not likely to occur.

Requirements to control noise
Ventilation equipment must be designed and installed to avoid noise or vibration nuisance to neighbors. There are several methods that a satisfactory extract system will use to control noise.

The fan and motor should be positioned within the building's structure to minimize outdoor noise. The fan and motor unit should be fixed on anti vibration mounts and be joined to duct work using bendable combinations to prevent the transmission of vibrations either to the structure or along the ducting. The fan and motor unit should not be fitted on to walls or ceilings next door housing premises.
Noise from the ventilation and extraction systems should be kept as low as possible and should not be easy to hear within nearby housing properties when the fan and motor unit are in operation. As a rough channel, if you cannot hear the fan or motor noise just outside the housing property, the noise should not be easy to hear within it either.

The extract ducting should be rigid in construction and installed with anti-vibration mountings. Large section ducts may need healthy or stiffeners to prevent rhythm. Noise attenuators may be required if the fan is noisy.

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